Thursday 3 April 2014


Excellent news to share, arranged is a Tick-Borne Disease Symposium taking place on 7th, June, 2014, in London.

The Speakers will be seven USA TBD Specialists, all of whom have over 20 years experience in dealing with these insidious infections. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss, with interested UK Doctors, Vets and their Researchers, testing, diagnosis, treatment, and the consequences to patients and healthcare providers of missing or not recognising the symptoms early.

A situation that is fairly unique and very important, is that in most specialties, the treating doctor will have had no personal health experience of the illness he/she  is treating, whereas in the case of TBD infections  the visiting  American doctors have either had a personal brush with Lyme Disease etc or, have family members who have been afflicted. 

There is a lot of interest in this symposium from Senior Doctors etc, possibly due to the fact that many patients whose symptoms have been missed or misdiagnosed are encroaching on clinics for Neurology, Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Endocrinology, Rheumatology and Chronic Pain.

The warnings have been around for many years regarding long term damage to human and animal health with regards to Tick-Borne Diseases. Can our health authorities really afford to continue with the misconception that Ticks and the diseases they harbour are a 'rare and regional' problem, I think not. 

Education is the key to the most difficult of situations, and it certainly is to this one. 

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